Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Witch’s Dog and the Flying Carpet by Frank Rodgers

Once in a while, I let my guard down and rummage through my kids book collection. Last night, was one such night. Came away with a cute (recently bought) book called The Witch’s Dog and the Flying Carpet by Frank Rodgers.

What a cute and simply method of storytelling. It has magic, it has adventure, it has good and bad characters, it has family and relations, it has the usual triumph of good over evil, it has colorful illustrations and most importantly IT HAS A DOG - WILF.

Wilf, the Witch’s Dog, finds an old magic carpet. But even magic carpets wear out and this one is full of holes! Wilf tries to mend it with his magic, but his spell goes wrong and surprises everyone.

Wilf and his Mistress Weenie

Recommend this book for all young book lovers.

As my kids (aged 5 and 2) fell asleep; I too switched off the light with a smile on my lips. Sighhhh....  

Frank Rodgers

#thewitch'sdogandtheflyingcarpet #children'sbook #storybook #storytelling #frankrodgers #wilf #dog

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